The Temple of Ownership
The journey of Tarkik and Aindri through the temples culminated at the Sanctuary of the Banyan, a serene place in the heart of the forest where nature and spirituality converged. The ancient banyan tree, with its expansive canopy and deep roots, stood majestically, embodying timeless wisdom.
As they sat under the banyan tree, Tarkik broke the silence, “Aindri, each temple taught us something profound. From the illusions of desire to the emptiness of greed, the deceptive nature of ego, and the fleeting sense of ownership.”
Aindri nodded, “Yes, Tarkik. It’s as if each step on this journey peeled back a layer, revealing the core of what truly matters in life. It’s not what we have or achieve but how we connect with ourselves and the world.”
In the tranquil ambiance, they reflected on their experiences, understanding that the real journey was internal – a journey of letting go and embracing the essence of life.
As the evening sun cast a golden hue through the leaves, a gentle but powerful presence filled the sanctuary. Before them appeared a divine figure, radiant and serene – Lord Krishna himself.
Tarkik and Aindri were awestruck. In his presence, they felt an overwhelming sense of peace.
Lord Krishna spoke in a voice that was both soothing and profound, “Tarkik, Aindri, you have journeyed well and learned the lessons of life that I once imparted to Arjuna.”
Tarkik, with reverence in his voice, asked, “Lord Krishna, the verse from the scroll, ‘विहाय कामान्यः सर्वान्पुमांश्चरति निःस्पृहः’, can you help us understand its essence in a way we can carry in our hearts?”
Lord Krishna smiled, “Certainly. This verse is about finding true peace. It says that when a person lets go of all material desires, the need for sensual gratification, the feeling of ‘this is mine’, and the ego of ‘I am this’, they attain true peace.”

Aindri, seeking further understanding, asked, “How can we, in our daily lives, embrace this teaching?”
Lord Krishna replied, “Live your life with love and compassion. Understand that the pursuit of material desires often leads to a never-ending cycle of craving. Find joy in the simple things. Share with others, not just material possessions but kindness and help. Recognize that the ego can blind you to the beauty of connecting with others. And remember, nothing truly belongs to you; everything is transient.”
Tarkik and Aindri listened intently, absorbing the profound simplicity of Lord Krishna’s words.
“Life,” Lord Krishna continued, “is a precious gift. Live it with humility, gratitude, and a sense of service. This is the path to true peace – a peace that comes from within and spreads to the world around you.”
As the enlightening words of Lord Krishna resonated in the air, a sense of peace and clarity enveloped Tarkik and Aindri. They felt as if they were not just hearing the teachings but experiencing them through their very being.
Lord Krishna, with a compassionate gaze, spoke softly, “Tarkik, Aindri, you have embarked on a journey of great importance. The wisdom you’ve gained here is just the beginning. Carry these teachings in your heart, and let them guide you in your life’s journey.”
With those final words, the radiant figure of Lord Krishna slowly began to fade, leaving behind a trail of gentle light that seemed to linger in the sanctuary, a reminder of the divine presence they had just witnessed.
As the last glimmer of Lord Krishna’s form disappeared, Tarkik and Aindri sat in silence, profoundly moved by the experience. After a few moments, they stood up, feeling a transformation within themselves – a transformation that changed the way they viewed the world and their place in it.
As they walked back through the forest towards their village, their conversation gradually turned to the impact of their experience.
Aindri, with a reflective tone, said, “Tarkik, meeting Lord Krishna, hearing his words… it’s changed something in me. It’s like I see the world with new eyes.”
Tarkik nodded in agreement, “I feel it too, Aindri. It’s as if the things that once seemed so important now feel less significant. The pursuit of material things, the hold of the ego – they seem so small in the grand scheme of life.”
“The simplicity of his teachings,” Aindri continued, “living with love, compassion, and humility, finding joy in giving rather than possessing – it feels like we’ve been given a new way to live.”
“Yes,” Tarkik mused, “and it’s not just about understanding these lessons but living them, making them a part of who we are.”
As they neared the village, the familiar sights and sounds greeted them, but they both felt a profound change within. The journey to the temples, culminating in the divine revelation under the banyan tree, had given them insights that would shape their lives forever.
Their walk back was not just a physical return to their starting point but a symbolic journey into a new phase of life – one where they would live by the wisdom imparted by Lord Krishna, embracing peace, simplicity, and a deeper connection with the world around them.