Tarkik’s Epiphany: The Significance of Ekadashi in Sanatan

Kids, if you have reached this far, you would do well to get the assistance of an elder, as the explanations below may get dense!

Panch Kosha in Sanatan | Significance of Ekadashi | Once Upon A Storytime

The Five Koshàs

Tarkik listened attentively as Dadi continued explaining the deeper significance of the Ekadashi story. “Now, my child, let me share with you another important aspect of our ancient wisdom. The Upanishads divide the universe into five koshas, or sheaths, and three mandals, or realms.”

Tarkik’s eyes widened with curiosity. “Three mandals? What are they, Dadi?”

Dadi smiled, pleased by Tarkik’s eagerness to learn. “Imagine your body as a Russian doll, with each layer representing a different aspect of your being. The first three layers, or koshas, are like the innermost dolls. They are the Annamaya, which is your physical body; the Pranamaya, which is your vital energy; and the Manomaya, which is your mind. Together, they form the Chandra Mandal, or the lunar realm.”

Tarkik nodded, visualising the concept. “And what about the other layers, Dadi?”

“The fourth layer, or kosha, is the Vigyanamaya, which represents your intellect and wisdom. It’s like the sun, illuminating your understanding, just as the sun brightens the world. We call this layer the Surya Mandal, or the solar realm.”

“And the final layer, Dadi?” Tarkik asked, intrigued.

“The fifth and innermost layer is the Anandamaya, the realm of pure bliss. This is where your soul resides, your true self. We call this the Brahmaloka or the Atma-desha. It’s the ultimate goal of our spiritual journey, where we realise our oneness with the divine.”

Tarkik let the profound explanation sink in, marveling at the depth of the ancient wisdom.

Devtàs and Muru— The Sattvic and Tamasic forces

Dadi further elaborated, “Just as there are layers to your being, there are also two primary forces at play within your mind: the Sattvic Shakti and the Tamasic Shakti. The Sattvic Shakti is like the Devtàs, the divine beings, representing the positive and virtuous aspects of your nature. On the other hand, the Tamasic Shakti is like the Daityas, or the demons, representing the negative and destructive tendencies within you.”

Tarkik listened intently as Dadi continued, “These two forces, which we also call Sattvic Guna and Tamasic Guna, are constantly battling within your mind, influencing your thoughts, emotions, and actions. The Tamasic Shakti tries to lure you away from your spiritual path, tempting you with worldly pleasures and selfish desires. It’s like a fog that hides your true nature and separates you from the Divine.”

“But the Sattvic Shakti, like a guiding light, inspires you to do good deeds, nurture virtues, and follow your higher purpose. It leads you towards self-realisation and union with your innermost self, the Atman.”

Dadi smiled, brushing Tarkik’s hair affectionately. “In the story, this constant battle between the Sattvic and Tamasic forces is represented by the Dev-Asura Sangram, the war between the gods and the demons. It symbolises the struggles we face in our spiritual journey as we try to overcome our negative tendencies and embrace the right path.”

“Remember, Tarkik, the demon king Muru represents the Tamasic Guna, the negative force that controls your mind, which resides in the Manomaya kosha. When the Tamasic forces dominate your mind, they also influence your senses and actions, leading you astray from the right path.”

Tarkik nodded, grasping the concept. “So, by controlling my mind, the Tamasic forces can affect my entire being, right, Dadi?”

“Exactly, my dear,” Dadi affirmed. “That’s why it’s so important to strengthen the Sattvic Guna within you and weaken the influence of the Tamasic Guna.”

Sattvic and Tamasic Guna | Significance of Ekadashi | Once Upon A Storytime

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