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Hasty Decision, Hefty Price: Gajraj’s Adventure

Panchatantra stories about thoughtful actions | Aparikshitakarakam

Consider the effects of your actions on others; hastily made decisions can lead to problems for yourself and those around you.

Panchatantra stories about thoughtful actions | Hasty Decision, Hefty Price: Gajraj's Adventure

In the lush, green forests of Kerala, there lived a young, robust elephant named Gajraj. Known for his formidable strength and dauntless spirit, Gajraj was an adventurer at heart. But his reckless tendency to act impulsively, without a thought for consequences, often created problems for everyone in the jungle.

One day, a troop of worried monkeys arrived, chattering anxiously. “The monsoon is coming early this year,” they alerted the forest dwellers, their eyes wide with concern. “Our treetop homes and our food stock are in danger of being washed away!”

Ever ready to plunge into action, Gajraj offered a swift solution. “Don’t worry,” he assured them. “I’ll push a huge rock to block the river’s path. This will stop the water from invading your homes.”

The monkeys, relieved to hear Gajraj’s quick-fix plan, readily agreed. As per his plan, Gajraj used all his might to push an enormous rock into the river. The river stopped flowing instantly, and the monkey’s homes were secure, at least for the moment.

But Gajraj’s hasty decision, made without a careful assessment of the impact, had severe consequences beyond his expectations. The river, after all, was the life source for all the creatures in the forest. Robbed of their primary water source, they began to suffer. The birds couldn’t find fish to eat, the deer were unable to quench their thirst, and the trees, deprived of water, started to wilt.

Witnessing the parched landscape, Kachua, the wise old tortoise, asked, “What has happened to our river?” Upon hearing of Gajraj’s ill-considered action, he shook his head and said, “Oh, Gajraj! Actions without thought can bring misery. Haven’t you heard of Panchatantra stories about thoughtful actions?”

Gajraj, upon realising the magnitude of his mistake, felt a deep pang of guilt. He implored Kachua, “I didn’t think this through. What can I do to fix this?”

The wise tortoise responded, “You must learn to contemplate before you act. For now, let’s seek the forest council’s wisdom. They can guide us to a solution.”

At the council meeting, all the animals narrated their difficulties due to water scarcity. Gajraj listened attentively, his heart heavy with regret. After a lengthy discussion, a venerable owl proposed a clever plan to carve a new path for the river. This new course would protect the monkeys’ homes and provide water to the entire forest.

With a newfound resolution, Gajraj worked tirelessly with the other animals to excavate a new river course. Gradually, the river started flowing again, bringing much-needed relief to all the inhabitants. The forest returned to its vibrant self, and life buzzed once more.

Gajraj had learned his lesson: pondering the potential consequences before acting was vital.

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