In ancient India, a talented woodcarver named Rajesh, his wife Meera, and their brave and kind-hearted son, Adit, lived in a small village near a lush forest. The village was known for its skilled craftsmen and beautiful wooden carvings, and Rajesh was one of the best among them.
One day, as the village prepared for its annual festival, Rajesh crafted an exquisite wooden elephant. He poured his heart and soul into the creation, resulting in a masterpiece that seemed almost lifelike. Unknown to everyone, including Rajesh, the elephant was enchanted and came to life at night.
Adit, curious about his father’s work, snuck into the workshop one night and witnessed the incredible sight of the elephant moving on its own. Awestruck, Adit approached the elephant, who spoke to him gently.
“Young Adit,” the elephant said, “I am an enchanted being, and I have the power to grant wishes. But be warned, for greed will lead to misfortune.”
Excited by this revelation, Adit shared the secret with his mischievous friend, Ravi. At first, Ravi was sceptical, but when Adit brought him to the workshop and demonstrated the elephant’s magical abilities, Ravi’s eyes widened with amazement and a hint of something else – greed.
Ravi became obsessed with the elephant’s power, his mind racing with everything he could wish for. He started making small, seemingly harmless wishes. A new toy appeared in his hands, a delicious meal materialised before him, and a shiny coin clinked in his pocket. Ravi’s excitement grew with each granted wish, and soon, he was visiting the elephant every night, making more and more demands.
As Ravi’s wishes grew in size and frequency, strange things began to happen in the village. At first, the changes were subtle. The once-vibrant flowers in the gardens started to wilt, and the air felt a bit heavier. But as Ravi’s greed intensified, so did the consequences.
The crops in the fields, which had always been bountiful, began to wither and turn brown. The villagers watched in horror as their livelihoods shrivelled before their eyes. The wells, which had provided fresh, clean water for generations, started to run dry, leaving the villagers thirsty and desperate.
As the days passed, the situation worsened. The villagers grew hungry, their stomachs growling with each passing hour. Children cried out for food, and the elderly grew weak. The once-thriving village was now a shadow of its former self, filled with suffering and despair.
Adit, who had been observing the changes with growing concern, finally realized that Ravi’s greed was the root of the problem. He approached his friend, hoping to reason with him.
“Ravi,” Adit pleaded, “can’t you see what’s happening to our village? Your wishes are causing this misfortune. We need to stop before it’s too late.”
But Ravi, blinded by his desire for more, refused to listen. “Don’t be silly, Adit,” he scoffed. “This is just a coincidence. The elephant’s magic is a gift, and I’m not going to waste it.”
Adit tried again and again to convince Ravi, but his words fell on deaf ears. Ravi continued to make wishes, each one more extravagant than the last. The village sank further into despair, and Adit knew he had to find a way to break the curse before it was too late.
As Adit watched his once-happy village crumble around him, he knew he had to act fast. The weight of responsibility fell upon his young shoulders, and he set out to find a solution, determined to save his home and the people he loved.
Desperate to save his village, Adit returned to the enchanted elephant. With tears in his eyes, he pleaded, “Please, tell me how to break this curse and save my people.”
The elephant replied, “Adit, the only way to break the curse is to destroy me during the festival. It is a difficult choice, but sometimes we must let go of our desires for the greater good.“
Adit’s heart grew heavy with realising what he had to do. On the day of the festival, as the villagers gathered around to admire Rajesh’s creation, Adit stepped forward with a heavy heart. He raised a fire torch and, with tears streaming down his face, burnt the enchanted elephant.

As the wooden shards fell to the ground, a gust of wind swept through the village, carrying away the curse. The crops began to grow again, the wells refilled with water, and the village slowly returned to its former glory.
Ravi, seeing the destruction he had caused, fell to his knees and apologized for his actions. Adit embraced his friend, understanding the power of forgiveness.
From that day forward, the village celebrated Adit’s wisdom and bravery. They learned that true happiness comes from contentment and not from magical shortcuts or greed. Rajesh and Meera beamed with pride, knowing their son had become a true leader.
And so, the story of the enchanted elephant became a treasured tale passed down through generations, reminding all who heard it of the dangers of greed and the value of selflessness.