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The Tale of Bholu Elephant and Mithu Parrot

The Tale of Bholu Elephant and Mithu Parrot: A Lesson on Ill-Considered Action

Panchatantra tales

We should consider all the possible outcomes and make sure our actions won’t harm others or ourselves.

Once upon a time, in a deep green jungle, lived a large elephant named Bholu. He was friends with everyone in the jungle, but his best friend was a bright green parrot named Mithu. They played and explored together every day.

One day, Bholu and Mithu heard about a beautiful garden far away from their jungle. The garden was said to be filled with the most delicious fruits anyone had ever tasted. Bholu and Mithu decided they would go and see this garden for themselves.

Excited, Bholu didn’t think about the long journey or if it would be safe. He just wanted to try those tasty fruits. So, early the next morning, they started their journey.

The journey was indeed long and tiring. Bholu had not thought about how far they had to walk. His feet began to hurt, but the thought of the delicious fruits kept him going.

Finally, after a long day, they reached the beautiful garden. It was even more beautiful than they had imagined. Bholu couldn’t control his excitement. He rushed to the closest tree and started pulling down branches to get to the fruits.

What Bholu didn’t know was that the garden belonged to a village nearby, and the villagers didn’t like anyone taking their fruits. Hearing the commotion, they came running with sticks and stones to chase away Bholu.

Poor Bholu was scared. He had not thought about who the fruits belonged to or if it was right just to take them. He ran away as fast as he could, with the villagers chasing him.

After running for what felt like forever, Bholu finally stopped. He was far away from the village, and he was alone. In the rush, he had lost Mithu. He was scared, tired, and had nothing to eat. His feet were sore, and he missed his home.

Meanwhile, Mithu had managed to fly away when the villagers came. He found Bholu sitting alone and sad. Mithu felt bad for his friend. They started their long journey back home, with no delicious fruits and a lot of fear and sadness.

When they finally reached their jungle, Bholu was relieved. He realized his mistake. He had not thought about the journey or the consequences of taking fruits that didn’t belong to him. He had learned a big lesson about thinking before acting.

From that day, Bholu became more thoughtful. He never rushed into anything without thinking about it carefully. He shared his story with everyone in the jungle, teaching them the importance of considering all the things that could happen before deciding something.

This story teaches us about Aparikshitakarakam or Ill-Considered Action. It tells us that it’s important to think carefully before we act. We should consider all the possible outcomes and make sure our actions won’t harm others or ourselves.

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